Sunday, October 25, 2015

Point Reyes National Seashore October 2015

My husband's aunt and uncle came to the area for a visit. They live near St. Louis and I haven't spent much time with them, but ever time I have, they've been absolutely delightful. My mother-in-law took them around San Francisco for a couple of days. We piled into their rental and headed for Point Reyes. I can't believe I've been in the Bay Area for nearly 20 years and never took this excursion. We met at the park visitors center for a picnic and then drove out to the lighthouse. Thank you, October weather! It was clear and mostly warm.

I've been ramping up my exercise this past year so the descent to the lighthouse and climb back were not bad at all.

The lighthouse is gorgeous and looking out into the Pacific with a little patience revealed whales!